nothing else, now is only to wait

1:36 PM

I won't cry again...
Not for it;
Even not be the same...
I don't wanna talk about it or maybe I want.
I don't know..
Everything I have seen is about you.
How did you do this?
It's serious!
Why one hour I simply didn't want... and now I do?
There is no explication, I know.
But I need one. Please.

I knew this not would give right. I had fear and now everything that I think is about you.
All that I read makes me remember you. I don't like it.
Just say: I don't want you. I dont need you. Go away. Forget me!
Then I will cry, but I won't have false hopes..

The End. (or not?)

- Thank you, André for help me with it!

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